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Jubilee Farm Church

Creating connection to God, to each other, and to the land.

Land Acknowledgment
Jubilee Farm Church occupies land previously stewarded by the Bay Miwok and Yokuts people, and we continue to reflect on how we can make reparation for this injustice.

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Jubilee Farm Church and the Diocese of California are excited to announce we are the recipients of a grant award from United Thank Offering (UTO).

 The focus of the granting process this year was Care of Creation.

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Already but not yet...

Currently Jubilee Farm Church is a future vision of a community in the Episcopal tradition across income, race, and educational attainment, which will one day gather on the land to foster connection to God and to each other through a relationship with the land God created. While we work toward that day, we share the “already but not yet” reality of God’s Kingdom which all Christians inhabit – while the farm might not reach its full expression until sometime in the future and we do not yet see it’s full glory, we are living “as if” it is already here and inhabiting its mission and ministry.

Click learn more to find out how you can participate and help make our vision a reality. 

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The Episcopal presence for mission and ministry in the Brentwood area.

Jubilee Farm Church will be a place where God is worshipped through connection to the land God created; where people can reconnect with God, with the land, and with their neighbors through worship, work, and play; where people care for creation by cultivating and nurturing the earth, feeding the hungry, and practicing environmental sustainability.

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What is and what shall be...

"God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good"                                                Genesis 1:31

Currently this 8.64 acres shelters and supports life for small animals, birds, insects, flowers, plants, grasses. Our hope is that one day this land will also shelter people and support their hopes and dreams for a meaningful, abundant life for themselves and their children. Jubilee Farm will hold the memory of those original inhabitants and stand as a reminder that we are charged to care for the earth and all its life

Growing faith

Then God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it.” And it was so.                                                                                                    Genesis 1:11

One day this bare, brown earth will  yield a worshipping community who will plant, tend and harvest the crops, sharing the harvest with the community, providing a place people can gather, meet, work together, play together and pray together



How you can help

Jubilee Farm church needs you – your desire to nurture the earth; your love of tending the land; your enthusiasm and excitement for new and different ways of worshipping God and creating community – to help make our vision a reality.

Opportunities to get involved currently include:

·         joining the planning and design team

·         participating in an online study and reflection group

·         donating financially to help fund construction of the farm

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Jubilee Farm church will occupy land previously stewarded by the Bay Miwok and Yokuts people.
We will continue to reflect on how we can make reparation for this injustice.

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